TADA falls

It is located in Nellore district in Andhra Pradesh. It is about 95 kms from Chennai. It is an ideal place for the people who love adventure & trekking. We, a TEAM of 7 members took a car and started our first trip to TADA. Reached the base camp (where the vehicles are parked usually). You cannot go beyond that. Trekking starts from here and it comes around 10kms to and fro.

.We started from here It was really a sunny day and we found difficult to climb. The ideal time to go there would be after rainy season i think in the months between November and February.

After we walked about 200 meters we came across a small water stream. We had to cross this stream to move further. At last we reached the falls after an hour time. It was really a tough journey to walk in the hot sun. Please make sure you carry enough water bottles when you go there. You will feel more thirsty when you climb especially in the hot sun.
